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Wednesday Night Small Groups


We have groups for both Adults and Teens (6th-12th grade).


Teens get to hang out, eat, & find out some pretty cool stuff about God.  


For Adults, Wednesday evening is a great way to meet new friends. We dig into God's word and discuss how it applies to our lives. The atmosphere is relaxed and everyone is invited to participate in open discussion.


Time is spent on taking prayer requests. We are a concerned group of people for the needs of others and want to pray with you about those needs.


We encourage you to come and bring a friend to learn more about God and living in the world today. Life will have plenty of decisions and problems and we need each other for support in these areas.

Breakfast & Sunday School
9:45 am


Free breakfast every Sunday.  Bagels, Muffins, Donuts, Cereal, Juice, Coffee, etc.


We have classes for kids of all ages 0-109!


We have loving teachers that care about each and every one of you. The bible is taught in appropriate and creative ways according to age level.


KIDS - Vacation Bible School is offered every Summer along with a Sunday School Picnic.

Weekly Events

We believe that God loves all people. Jesus calls us to share that Good News with others through our actions and our words. Through Sunday school, worship, and bible study we provide an opportunity to know Jesus on a personal level. He wants to be as much a part of your life and we want to help in whatever way possible.
Sunday Morning Worship
10:45 am


Worship is all about God, our creator. We are there to worship Him individually and together.


Together we praise God by remembering how he has redeemed, and forgiven us, and through singing, praying, giving, hearing God’s Word, and living out God’s will in our lives.


Worship & Praise Leaders lead worship in song each Sunday morning and the Pastor gives a relevant, dynamic sermon weekly.


Children have their own worship service every Sunday.  The experience worship through musics, skits, bible stories, crafts, etc with their peers with caring volunteers.  Once a month the children join the adults for Family Service.

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